Whay’s this man; Peter the Red?
A glass o’ rid a day,
Keeps boredum an’ doakters away.
An’ twa a day maks yea happy as weel,
Dinny fasch or complain its nae big deal.
An’ twa a day maks yea happy as weel,
Dinny fasch or complain its nae big deal.
Frae Bullaburra cums this auld man yung,
Aye; his years add up tae a tidy sum.
But a eighty eight years auld,
yea kin see frae his photie he’s no even bald.
Hiv’ a peek at the photie up top,
Aw his hair he stull has- like a blidy great mop.
Aye,an’ drinkin’ red is the richt direction
if yea want tae hiv’ Peter’s fine complextion.
So aw yea poets tha’ years ya fear,
It’s the Blidy Rid wine whit maks it clear.
So aw yea poets tha’ years ya fear,
It’s the Blidy Rid wine whit maks it clear,
If yea want tae live langer an’ hiv’ sum class,
Hiv’ a Rid wine or twa in a blidy big glass.
So Karen this fine day the work yiv’ dun,
Allowed me tae hiv’ a wee bit fun.
So a gless o’ wine fur Peter the Red,
Aye;maybe twa glesses an’ early tae bed.
Thanks Bonny Lass fur this classy portrait,
Evirybidy oan FanStory kin see- it’s Blidy great.
At eighty eight he’s noo tucked up in bed,
Noo we aw ken a wee bit aboot this Peter the Red.
The Auld Yin.
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I have added just a few poems from my Fanstory site. Will add more as time goes by.
Alex: aka The Auld Yin.

Ecology ‘Motion’ in the Antarctic Waves
Save the whales an’ save Antartic’s ecology
without Whales, no Plankton.
Without Plankton No Krill.
without the Krill no Whales.
Dae yea iver think in ecoglical ways,
ah oaftin dae. Aye! In many many different ways.
Recyclin’ oh aw kinda things,
wan way, tae ma mind, this dis bring.
Poo, aye poo is wan great brammer way,
noo poo a ken yea must be very ofay.
Aye Poo recyclin’ is noo aw the rage,
except fur poo, frae budgies cage.
Hiv yea iver seen a wee budgies poo?
if no, a’ll jist explain tae you,
Wee tiny black thing wae wee white swirls,
an ’it disnae matter whither they’re boys or girls.
Weel, yea canny recycle sich wee things,
so anither animal tae mind dis spring.
Whales!!! Big brammer humungus Whales,
They boggle ma mind, Aye! They niver fail.
We need mair Whales fur aw the krill they eat.
mullians an’ mullians they scoff , it’s quite a feat.
noo the krill eat green plankton, aye they do,
Tuns an’ tuns o’ plankton untull thare aw blidy foo.
Noo fur aw this tuns o’ plankton tae grow,
it needs rich fertilizer, aye ah tell yea so.
Whare oan earth kin yea get fertilizer from, I ask?
wae doon in Antartica ,it wid be an enormous task.
Whales Poo!!!! A tell yea is whit yea need.
tae gei aw that tuns o’ plankton a blidy great feed.
Whale poo tae fertilizer fur plankton fills the bill,
An aw this plankton fur the hungry krill.
That’s aw whit ecology is aboot,
noo a ken sum folks oot there dinny care a hoot.
Weel a tell yea ,this auld yin dis care a lote,
so a’ll tell yea mair information that ah hiv gote.
Whales POO!!! Is a marvellous thing,
an’ tae yer imagination this info a’ll bring.
Noo it’s no tiny like a wee rabbits poo,
let yer mind boggle aye, let it accrue.
Imagin’ making a chocolate drink,
cum oan noo that’s no hard tae think.
Weel, it’s like the hote chocolate withoot the milk,
Widnae spill oot a glass that yea gave a tilt.
The colour is also a reddish type o’ broonish green,
The blidy likes that yea hiv niver see:(
Oh an’ the fertilizer through anaerobic ways,
gies the plankton food in a most exotic way.
So yea see this ‘Motion’ of the Bonny Whales taday,
geis credence to be ofay the ecology way.
Wan thing puzzles me though tho’ afore a part,
Kid yea imagine the turbulence of a Humungus Whale’s fart!!!
ALex Gardiner aka The Auld Yin